Finding Your Match: Qualities of a Well-Designed House

Your house is a major part of your life.  Whether you think about it like that or not, you’ve probably established a relationship with it; much like that of a relationship with a significant other.  Maybe, like your partner, you love your house because it makes you feel good, or safe and shares your values.  Or maybe you dislike it because it doesn’t make you feel any of those ways; you lack joy when you’re there because it doesn’t have the qualities that make it right for you.  Finding or building the right house is like searching for “the one”; you’ve got to know what makes you happy, and ultimately what’s good for you, and then not settle for less.

Much like searching for a partner in life, you should be on the look-out for certain qualities or characteristics that would make a house your perfect match.  The following is a list of traits a well-designed house will have.  This goes for the house that’s already built, or the one you’re dreaming of building yourself.

1.    Aligned Personalities

How can a house have a personality?  This comes in the form of architectural style.  Do you like clean lines and a minimalistic approach to design?  Modern may be your architectural personality match.  Do you feel most at home in a house with an abundance of ornamentation and detail?  Perhaps you like the Victorian style.  Or maybe you like the design qualities that come with Cottage, Tudor, Spanish or Farmhouse styles.  Regardless of style, they all can be something special with a modern-day touch.  When working with an architect, the style you like is the driving force behind the design.  Make sure to do some in-depth research about what it is you really love and then be able to describe why!

2.    Practical

A well-designed house is going to be practical for you in so many ways.  Spaces will flow effortlessly, there will be sufficient storage for organization, and it will function in a way that supports your everyday living patterns.  Practical houses don’t have any unnecessary rooms or square footage.  They are designed for what’s important so money isn’t spent on elements or spaces you don’t really need.

3.    Nature Lover

This is a quality that benefits your health, as well as your bank account.  A nature-loving house takes what is natural, and free, and utilizes it in a way that makes you feel good.  Take the sun for instance.  It provides free, natural light that can be utilized to light your home without relying so heavily on artificial (purchased) light.  It can also be utilized for passive heating; meaning you can capture the heat of the sun during the day, and release it through the night by means of thermal massing.  Not to mention those health benefits of natural sunlight; warding off seasonal depression and providing a nice dose of vitamin D! Yes, please!  Plus, just by orienting your house on the site in relation to the sun, you can save a significant amount on energy bills. Um, double yes!!

A nature-loving house also creates both physical and visual connections to nature because it’s so beneficial to your mental and physical health. If you have the choice, wouldn’t you want to live somewhere that has a positive impact on your health?  Make sure there are sufficient windows, natural materials, plants and well-integrated outdoor living spaces in the design!  Connections to nature lower your stress and make you feel good, plain and simple.

4.    Authentic & Honest

A house should be one cohesive structure from front to back; inside and out.  It should be authentic in that it is based on a unique design concept, where originality and specificity are the driving forces.  It should be honest in that every element is purposeful and not a result of poor planning, or an attempt to “enhance” a bad design.  A good design doesn’t need enhancing; it’s pure in form and materials, which is naturally appealing.  Just say no to anything that doesn’t serve a purpose or have a beneficial function.

5.    Unique

If you’re presented with a house or a design that is the same or similar to the one across the street or down the road, swipe left.  Quickly.  What a boring world it would be if everyone looked and acted the same.  The same goes for houses.

6.    Dedicated

Like a good partner, your house should be in it for the long haul.  It needs to be able to weather, quite literally, the good and bad times.  This means quality materials and craftsmanship is essential.  Don’t forgo quality to save a few bucks in the moment.  Think about the long-term value and how investing upfront can save money down the road.  In addition to quality, a well-designed house accommodates for the fact that people, and their needs, change over time.  A house dedicated to helping you live your best life will allow for flexibility and growth.


At the end of the day, a home should be a place for relaxation and rejuvenation; a place for making memories and having fun.  It should promote our ability to live a life of simplicity by working for us, in every sense of the word.  If you can find a house, or have one designed for you, that has all six characteristics, you’ve likely found your perfect match.

Did I leave anything off this list that you would deem essential?  Let me know in the comments!

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*The photos in this post are stock images, courtesy of Pexels.